Monday, December 5, 2016

San Paolo fuori le Mura.

San Paolo Fuori Le Mura Exterior
During the rule of the Roman Emperor Constantine, he decide to built the Papal Basilica of St. Paul outside the Walls better known as Papale di San Paolo fuori le Mura. This large Roman Catholic church is said to be built on top of St. Paul, the Apostle himself according to tradition. Being built on top of St. Paul and being located outside of what remains of Rome's ancient city walls gave this church it's name. During the year 324 AD the building was consecrated but how every the building that stands today has gone through many revamping and enlargements since then. This was do to the destruction that happen in 1823 one early morning were a fire broke out. There have been many rumors of what happen that morning, but none to call fact. Repairs for the church happened after by the order of the curtain Pope at the time. The church took a lot of damage form pillars, painting and statues. In merely five hours all of the value possession it hold was reduce to bare walls. Columns that were porphyry were shivered to pieces and the large bronze portico door was melted down.

During the reconstrcution of the building the first Architect that was appoint to start the project was reject when he want to change the syle of the church and make it more modern look at the time. The reason for reject was due to Pope Leo XII decision to restore the basilica to its former glory rather than make a radical change. In 1829 the triumphal arch were the first part to be rebuilt by the architect Pasquale Belli and his assistances, Salvi, Paccagnini and Andrea Alippi. After gaining enough funds work started in 1826 were he decided to store the mosaic and destory the exisitng arches, nave arcades and frescoes by Cavallini because he wanted to save money and time. When Pope Gregory XVI was elected in 1831 eighty columns in the nave was erected and in 1833 Architect Luigi Poletti became chief Architect and add a new portico to the north end of the transept.

[2]"Gesta." The Bible of San Paolo Fuori Le Mura in Rome: Its Date and Its Relation to Charles the Bald: Gesta: Vol 5, No. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.

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