Ionic Order
In certain federal buildings in the United States, like the Capital Hill, the US capital and the Supreme Court, Ionic columns are used. The Ionic order emerged shortly after the Doric order in the north porch of Greece 421-407 B.C.E. The Ionic column gives these building a sense of power and order.
The Ionic order is part of the classical order. The term classical refers to the ancient styles of Greece and Rome. In the classical order, we distinguish three categories- the Doric order considered as the simplest, the Ionic order which emerged shortly after the Doric, and finally the Corinthian the most complex.
According to Vitruvius the Ionic column is more like a feminine column because the sense of mass is absent. The Ionic column is considerably tall which make it looks slender that help accentuate the feminine side of the column.
The Ionic column has a very specific sense of proportion. First the dimension needed was subdivided into five intervals, zoning the length of the column. The first to the fourth interval- the base, the shaft and the capitol would be placed. In the fifth upper interval, the entablature should be assigned which includes bottom to top, the architrave, the frieze and the cornice. The proportion of the various elements of the order is necessary to find the module, which is the radius of the lower cylindrical part of the column shaft.
Elements and proportion.
The Base is the stone platform at the bottom of the column sometimes with several layers it has one module. On top of the base is the shaft: the long part of the column with grooves running down the sides made of sixteen modules. Followed is the capital, the decorative stone that bears the weight of the roof consisting of a division of 12 parts. Lastly the entablature is that part of the roof -constituted of the architrave, the frieze and the cornice. The architrave is the long beam that supports the weight directly above the column, made of one and a half modules.
The frieze is the strip above the architrave made of one module. And finally the cornice, which is the top weight bearing part, it has a saw- like squared edges made of one and a half module. In architecture, the post and lintel system refer to any building in which the roof is supported by load bearing upright sections and a horizontal section. In the Ionic order the entablature is a lintel and the columns are the post. The Ionic column was developed in the mid century BC by Ionian Greeks; on the Island near present day turkey. The Ionic temple of Yorkshire, the temple of Athena (Apteros), the temple of Portunus are all examples of Ionic temples because they all have the Character of the Ionic order. The elevated base and the volutes, which are the essential key point that helps distinguish the Ionic order from the Doric.
Work cited:
Joseph P Kewert "The dancing column". oct 11, 2016
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