Monday, December 12, 2016

S. Maria Presso S Satiro

S. Maria Presso S Satiro was finished in the late 15th century in Milano, Italy and the church was dedicated to St. Satyrus and Mary giving the church its current name. The church was crammed into a small spot due it being so close to the main road of Milano. The artist Donato Bramante help create and illusion that made the church not seem so small. Using the back wall of the church (on the inside) you will see a painting that makes the church seem different from the outside. The trick becomes apparent as you get closer to the altar, but the trick doesn’t work when you stand to the side and see that it’s just a wall was painted. On the wall there is a painting of Mary hold Christ surrounded by golden pilaster. With the illusion of the wall it makes it seem big since the wall seems far away will in realty its not as big as it appears. The church has a short nave with two aisles and one Dome in the center of the transept.
Ceiling of S. Maria Presso S Satrio
The church holds main paintings of angels and saints that are located on the ceiling, but the fact that the church is kept in the dark its hard to see them by the naked eye. The reason why the church doesn’t get that much sunlight is because of the location it was built in Milano. That specific place in Milano is real crowded with buildings. Lights only come in throw the front of the building, the sides of the transept (where you can see the illusion of the back wall break) small one-foot windows at the top of the walls in the aisles and a circular window in the center of the dome. Angels can also be located in the small chambers of the church where there are five arch opening and at the head almost like a capatia there are sculptures of saints with angels to the right and left.

[1]Lise, Giorgio. Santa Maria Presso San Satiro. Milano: Silvana Editoriale D’arte, 1975. Print.

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