Monday, December 12, 2016


Corinth was also known as an assembly houses of Senate house in Corinth, Greece near the isthmus. Corinth was an important city in ancient Greek because of the geographic location it was at the time. Today Corinth is in ruins where many buildings are lost in in history. Corinth was destroyed by the Romans in 146 BC but was rebuilt in 44 BC under the rule of Julius Caesar. The city-state setting was good for defensing itself. For example the acrocorinth (upper Corinth) was an area built high up away from the main Corinth incase there was an invasion. Another feature that help the city thrive was how close it was to the water. The isthmus; as stated before also help the city gain more trade for itself since it connected the mainland of Greece and the Peloponnese. This made Corinth a common place for trades and sailors as well as a good stopping point from Rome.  It gained fame from the isthmus games and was a place for many religious sites.
Corinth is also know for many temple that are very well known like the Temple of Apollo, and is one of Corinth’s famous landmark that was built in the 550 BC. Another that was near the famous landmark was the Bouleuterion were sometimes, there are concerts, meetings, and where high officials gather to make decisions for the city.

[1]“Ancient Corinth.” Ancient Corinth. N.p.,n.d.Web. 12 Dec 2016
[2]“Corinth.” Encylopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Wed. 12 Dec. 2016.

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