The Arch of Septimius Severus, erected in 203
CE, stands in Rome and commemorates the Roman victories over the Parthians in
the final decade of the 2nd century CE. It was one of the most
richly decorated and even today, although badly damaged, it stands as a lasting
and imposing monument to Roman vanity.
It stands on the Via
Sacra in the forum Romanum of Rome and has three arches. The larger central
archway was used for traffic, while the other two were closed off by steps. In
terms of construction materials, the core and foundation are of travertine
whilst, the whole is faced with Proconnesian marble. The eight composite
columns are of the same marble type.
It was possible to climb
the arch via an inner staircase although the entrance was 5m above ground level
for security. There was a walkway above the second cornice and access to the
roof through the hollow attic.
The inscription on the
attic, originally with gilded bronze lettering, is a dedication to Septimius
Severus and his two sons. Caracalla and Geta who “restored the Republican and
expanded the dominium of the Roman people”. Interestingly, the inscription was
changed following Greta’s murder by his brother Caracalla, perhaps due to a
guilty conscience with the addition of P.
Septimo L. fil. Getae.
The arch was richly
decorated with sculpture which depicted scenes from the military campaigns in
Parthia .the seasons, various duties and victories. Above the central arch on
both facades are winged victories that each carries trophies. The arch has the
typical central keystone of this genre of architecture monument which
represents Mars, the Roman god of war. The smaller arches also have keystones
which are carved to represent Bacchus and Hercules. The lower arches also carry
figures. This time river gods. Above each of the small arches is a freeze which
depicts a triumphal procession where booty and prisoners were showed off. The
column plinths each have relief scripture showing roman soldiers captured
Parthians. The most impressive sculpture is found on four huge panels which
show scenes from the military campaigns in Parthia. The left panel shows the
army leaving their camp .a battle, Septimius speaking before his troops and the
liberation of Nisibis. The right panel shows siege machines attacking the city
of Edessa, a group of Parthians surrendering to Septimius Severus. A war
council and the launch of a new campaign. On the Capitoline side the left panel
depicts the city of Seleucia under attack, its eventual fall and defeated
On top of the structure
there would have once been a six horse chariot in gilded bronze on which rode a
statue of Septimius. The emperor was also originally flanked by his two sons on
horsebacks. Trophies and garlands in bronze had also once adorned the plain
structures around the inscription on the façades.
The monument suffered in
later times when it was converted to o fortress, towers were added and the
structure was incorporated into surrounding buildings. The smaller archways
were used until 19th century CE. Several deep cracks in the marble
and breaking off of pieces of sculpture can be attributed to workmen not paying
attention to the natural bedding. Sculptures have also suffered due to
weathering and environmental pollution.
Amanda Claridge, Rome
(oxford University Press .USA, 2010)
Roman Art and
Architecture (Thames &Hudson)
A handbook of Roman Art
(Cornell Univ Pr, 1983)
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