Friday, December 2, 2016

Church of St. Mary Redcliffe


                               Church of St. Mary Redcliffe

          Queen Elizabeth described it as the "Fairest, goodliest, and most famous church in England"

ST. Mary Redcliffe is a beautiful example of Gothic Architecture located Bristol, England. Built between 12th and 15th century, I imagine this church was a labor of love for the Cristian faith. Build and and decorated by wealthy merchants who's tombs now and monuments are placed all around the church.

Rich with history there is there is a ship modle and a whale bone brought back from  John Cabot's 1497's voyage to the new world. A room is dedicated to the poet Thomas Chatterton where he wrote some of his "Rowley Poems" in his short  life dying at just the age of 17. There is also a tomb of Admiral Sir William Penn. notable for his sons land acqusition in the new world of the state of Pensilvania.

Today this church is a very active with fresh progressive Ideas church opening its doors the website physical and mental health and ability, and in our understanding of gender and expression of sexuality identity.
In addition The church created a community project called the Arc cafe is an (ARA) Addicts Recovery Agency which provides a wide range of education, training and employment opportunities at the church. In these days of people losing faith its refreshing to see a thriving progressive church and you can see why it has lasted for over 900 years.

Photo by: Adam Rumble
The Beautiful Nave Ceiling 

Stain glass  dedicated 17th century composer Fredrick Handle 


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